Silencing the Victim

I was asked today to remain silent. To no longer stand up against my bullies. This astounded me. Cannot fathom why I was asked to stop standing up for myself and to let the bullies say what ever they want to me. How is ignoring them going to make them stop when this has never helped before?

It surprised me because when I’ve been attacked before by these individuals, many came to my aide and the bullies were put in their place. Their constant harassment stopped for a while. If many voices stand together, those that try to harm others stand no chance.

It seems to me that people DON’T want to stand up for what is right anymore, just want things to be peaceful and not disturb their lives. Everyone turns a blind eye to what is actually happening around them with no care for their fellow man. It is like everything is too much for them to deal with.

So I am meant to stand there and take what ever abuse is hurled at me. Apparently if I do this after some time they will get bored and move onto another target. This is what I find disturbing. There will be another target. Someone else will suffer the constant insults and attacks on their character for no other reason than the bullies are bored.

No one seems to care that the next person they attack may not be able to withstand the abuse. No one cares that these bullies could be damaging a persons self worth. No one will care even if these bullies push someone to the brink and they commit suicide. All they care about is their lives return to normal.

If we all stood together and stated quite clearly that bullying behavior is unacceptable the message might finally be received. Until then, there will always be another victim of someones callous attacks.

Good people let bad things happen. It is unfortunate but true. I won’t stand idly by and let it happen.