Day 3 and counting

Woke up with pain. The type that feels as if someone is jamming a screwdriver into my temple. It started 2 days ago with the left side of my face on fire and my neck as stiff as it could be. My sight in my left eye was blurry but I could still see. No tingling which meant no migraine imminent.  The second day was in the right eye. By mid afternoon I had to sleep as the pain was getting worse and vision still bad in left eye. Today, day 3 is bad. I’ve take pain killers so I can have some resemblance of a life but they won’t last long. Lips are tingling, whole left side of face is numb, left shoulder is in agony and the pain in my temple is not giving me hope of this headache ending soon. Looks like it will turn into a migraine as all the warning signs are present.

If I ever catch my invisible foe, my relentless attacker they sure are in for some payback. Before you think I’ve lost the plot and call in the doctors to put me into a padded cell, let me tell you about an episode of of Star Trek I once watched.

In this episode the crew of the Enterprise are all suffering many different ailments with no real cause. The medical staff are all baffled as normal procedures are not curing or relieving anyone’s pain. For days the crew suffer. For days there is no explanation as to why so many are inflicted with pain. Needless to say in Star Trek style an answer if found. It is invisible medical researches conducting a myriad of tests on the unsuspecting, unwilling crew. Once they are found out the tests cease and the the entire ships crew is restored to full health.

What does this have to do with my pain? Some days I like to joke that my headaches and migraines are caused by these cloaked researches. I curse them, tell them to go run the tests on themselves and leave me along as another imaginary turn of a medical probe in my skull makes me wince. Making fun of the pain and giving it an imaginary and completely preposterous reason for being actually makes it more bearable.

So today when these nasty little researches have decided to switch their tests to the left side of my face instead of the right like yesterday, I smile knowing they have to get bored with me eventually.

Until then I’ll apply heat to my tightened muscles and try to convince them to relax with gentle massage. I’ll take Sumatriptan in the hope it will put a stop to a migraine and spend another day at home, distracting myself as I am now, in the hope that tomorrow the screwdriver in my temple is no more. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to see clearly so I can drive to the supermarket and get some groceries. Who knows what tomorrow will bring but for today, it is another day of misery.


Day 4 still there

Day 5 a reprieve, sort of. No pain but fatigue and issues with sight.

Day 6 not a good day, it came back full force

Day 7 so tired can hardly do anything put for first time in a week no headache or associated symptoms